地址: Aleja Katowicka 62, 05-830 Nadarzyn
The Warsaw Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance Exhibition (Warsaw Home & Contract) is the largest consumer electronics and new technology trade fair in Poland. With the support of its strategic partner, the famous European electronics and home appliance store MediaMarkt, the exhibition not only showcases global leading trends and latest products in home appliances and consumer electronics, but also hosts a number of thematic seminars and press conferences. (The content of this article belongs to Juzhan Network exclusively. Unauthorized forwarding is prohibited.)
The Warsaw Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance Exhibition (Warsaw Home & Contract) is a new generation of trade fairs that not only provide static exhibitions, but also effective and dynamic presentations. It presents the world's leading consumer electronics and related manufacturers' latest technologies and solutions in a comprehensive and innovative way.
Among the well-known exhibitors are: SAMSUNG, LG, Panasonic, SONY, HUAWEI, PHILIPS, SHARP, etc. The Warsaw Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance Exhibition (Warsaw Home & Contract) is also the best trade platform for Chinese consumer electronics and home appliance companies to enter Poland.
Warsaw Home & Contract
举办地址:Aleja Katowicka 62, 05-830 Nadarzyn
举办周期:1 year 1 session
主办单位:Ptak Warsaw Expo