地址: Street Harbiye 34367 Istanbul Turkey
The Turkey Istanbul No-Dig Technology Exhibition (No Dig Turkey) is the most important non-excavation professional exhibition in Turkey. The President of the Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Non-Excavation Technology (TSITT), Yashin Toren, delivered an opening speech in front of the General Manager of Turkish Water, Istanbul Water, and Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration.
The Turkey Istanbul No-Dig Technology Exhibition (No Dig Turkey) had a total exhibition area of 16,000 square meters, with 305 participating companies from Germany, UK, Japan, Russia, Malaysia, China, and other countries attending this event, with a total of 15,000 participants.
The International No-Dig Community also sent representatives to attend this event, with Dr. Klaus Beyer, Executive Director of the German No-Dig Technology Association, and Mark André Haebler, a member of the Austrian No-Dig Technology Committee, attending as honored guests at the first meeting. (The content of this article belongs exclusively to Juzhan Network, and unauthorized forwarding is prohibited.)

No Dig Turkey
举办地区:Middle East
举办地址:Street Harbiye 34367 Istanbul Turkey
举办周期:1 year 1 session
主办单位:MCI Group