5月16日至18日,由 意大利对外贸易委员会(ITA) 组织的 11 家意大利环保企业,将亮相2024成都国际环保博览会(ECOMONDO CHINA - CDEPE 2024)意大利国家馆。 本次意大利国家展团企业涵盖涵盖水处理、垃圾回收和清运、固废处理和资源综合利用、环境监测、空气治理等专业领域等专业领域,同期还将举办 “ 意大利国家馆开幕 ”“ 第八届意大利可持续发展日暨蓉欧产业对话 ”“ 意大利环保技术企业路演 ”“ 中意环保技术对接会 ” 等系列活动。 企业将携带专业团队和技术产品展出,旨在与业内分享最新成果,期望携手合作,共同推动可持续发展,助力实现双碳目标。 Zenit Pumps (China) Co., Ltd 将在意大利国家馆展出,展期将进行“路演展示”和“技术对接会”,诚邀莅临,预约交流!
泽尼特集团是一家植根深厚、经验丰富的国际化企业,专注于家用、民用、工业用潜水电泵及水处理系统的设计和生产。成立于1959年,公司总部设在意大利摩德纳,目前控股公司拥有约300名员工,在全球设有3个分支机构(卢森堡1个,中国2个),凭借广泛的区域覆盖,直接管理所服务的市场。 Zenit Group is an international company with a deep-rooted and proven know-how in the design and production of submersible electric pumps for domestic, civil, and industrial use and for water treatment systems. Headquartered in Modena (Italy) since 1959, the Holding has around 300 employees and 3 branches worldwide (one in Luxembourg and two in China), and directly manages its markets thanks to widespread territorial coverage. 产品和技术介绍
Our products include:
1. The company offers a comprehensive range of submersible electric pumps, sewage lifting stations, aeration and mixing equipment, control devices, and complete water treatment solutions that can meet the needs of various fields, including domestic, industrial, construction, and municipal engineering.
2. The products are manufactured using high-end processes, and key components are robust and durable, ensuring the products' high efficiency, energy savings, and continuous stable operation. 3. The company has obtained ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management certificat
邮箱: mchen@zenit.com
地址: No. 49 Pingsheng Road Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215127, P.R. China